Issue #47: Grow Your Dollars for Ministry Without Gimmicks or Campaigns
Most churches I know want more money to add staff, start ministries, renovate or add facilities, and support more missionaries on the field. But how do you increase the money you have available to spend?
The two traditional approaches are 1. Do a capital campaign, or 2. Grow the church. But what if there was another way to grow the revenue available to the church to use without needing these two things to happen?
That’s the subject of today’s newsletter.
Capital Campaigns
I have no problem with capital campaigns. Often, they are needed in order for churches to generate money in a short period of time to do a project. But most pastors hate them. We are not the most skilled at going and asking people for large gifts for the church. The other issue with capital campaigns is they don’t solve the long-term issue for increased dollars. It solves the short-term issue.
Grow the Church
The other way churches grow their financial resources is by waiting for the church to grow. As more people attend the church, the dollars that come in grows too. There are several issues with this. First, there is a lag on attendance growth and giving growth. Just because the church grows numerically doesn’t immediately equate to growing financially. Second, the things needed to help the church reach more people are usually the things we need additional funding to accomplish. In other words, we need extra resources to do the things that help the church grow.
So these two ways to increase money for ministry are viable, but not always the best option for churches.
There is another way.
1 Actionable Tip
Invite your key stakeholders to leverage their gifts in fulfillment of the church’s vision
My church has done the last two options successfully. But something we’ve come to recognize and develop is a group within our church that have gifts and capacities in wealth creation. There are people in your church with the ability to generate wealth. This is how they are gifted. What they need is a pastor and church that can cast a vision to them to leverage their wealth to accomplish.
This group within your church is waiting for you to connect with them, disciple them, and show them how God has gifted them with wealth generating gifts for His glory. And it will excite them to be a part of such a group.
At my church, we call this Legacy Builders. A friend of mine and I are now helping other churches develop this at their church. If you’d like more info, visit www.legacybuildersnetwork.com. There is a group launch webinar in November to help you get started.
The only thing keeping you and your church from the resources you need to accomplish your vision may be catalyzing this group within your church to action.
Opportunities for Students & College Age Young Adults
Are you helping the students and college-age kids in your church stand firm against the opposition coming at them in the culture? If you’re not actively equipping them on issues of gender and sexuality, you can be sure the culture is. We’re here to help.
Join us October 13-15 at Black Mountain, NC (at Ridgecrest Conference Center). An incredible line of speakers will be teaching students about who they are as image-bearers of God. These foundations will supply students with important understanding of their identity. Plan to bring your students. It’s going to be a fantastic conference.
And we have our Arise Camps for students summer 2024. These resources exist to help keep your students in the fight. Partner with us in helping them fight the good fight of faith in a world that wants to snuff it out.