Issue #32: Preaching & Discipleship Must Address These 21st-Century Realities
Things have shifted dramatically in our culture from the time I entered ministry around 2004. One of the biggest shifts is in our society’s view of sexuality and gender. A slow change in what was acceptable has now accelerated into all sorts of perversions.
The church has not been silent during this acceleration, but I would argue we have not discipled our congregations with foundations to understand the positive biblical ethic on these issues. Nor have we armed them for pointing out the errors of our culture.
That’s the subject of this week’s newsletter.
Everyone Is Being Discipled
One of the things we say repeatedly at our church and to other leaders is: Everyone is being discipled by somebody. Every person in our culture has others seeking to teach them what to think and believe about issues like sexuality and gender.
The LGTBQ+ agenda has been embraced by most corporate media, companies, universities, celebrities, musicians, and movie/television writers. At every turn, people are being bombarded with teaching and instruction on gender and sexuality.
What are they taught? They are taught that gender is fluid and flexible to the person’s feelings. Sexuality is an unrestricted area to be explored with no objective boundaries. Gay is good. Pronouns are a personal preference rather than fixed realities.
Our people hear these messages day-in and day-out. Are you preparing them for that?
1 Actionable Tip
Make sure your preaching and discipleship efforts include clear biblical teaching on sexuality and gender issues.
We have no choice but to address these issues today. If we do not, we will continue to lose people to the philosophies and ideologies of our day. People’s minds and hearts are shaped by teaching. The question is: Who is going to win them over? If we’re not sprinkling this into everything we do, and purposefully equipping our congregations, someone else already is.
Opportunities for Next Steps
1. KJM Student Camps in 2024. I’m excited to announce that Knowing Jesus Ministries is launching our own camps in 2024 called ARISE Camps. Check out the announcement video and join a list of leaders interested in hearing more as details finalize.
2. Student Minister Leadership Lab. We are excited about pouring into student ministry leaders with a practical workshop style event. Join us in Nashville August 3-4th for coaching and practical help for leading an effective student ministry. Register here.
3. Engaging Truth Conference at Ridgecrest. Join us in the mountains of North Carolina on October 13-15 for our national student conference. We’ll gather with Trevin Wax, Matt Smethurst, Dean Inserra, Neil Shenvi, Abigail Dodds, Katie McCoy, Journey Worship Co. and many more. Register or learn more here.