Issue #13: Lose the Guilt and Start Doing This One Thing Each Week
Leaders are readers.
And if you’re a pastor, you’re a leader.
But many pastors I know don’t read as much as they want to. Even worse, many pastors don’t read as much as they need to.
Reading is essential for a pastor for many reasons, but many struggle with reading while “on the clock.”
Today’s newsletter is about this issue. Enjoy!
Part of the Job
Pastors have the role of teaching and discipling people. We also lead the flock with decision-making.
This means that we need wisdom and knowledge to do it effectively. This is why reading is so important for our role.
We should read theology, commentaries, helpful books on Christian living, leadership, church history, and many other kinds of works. These things feed our ability and strengthen us in our tasks. But many pastors I’ve spoken with over the years struggle to do this. They feel like they’re doing something wrong if they are reading during the workday.
But why?
Basketball Players & Financial Advisors
Imagine a professional basketball player that felt guilty for shooting baskets or working out during the day.
It’s not even questionable. Of course they would be doing those things, it is a part of being a good basketball player.
Think about a financial advisor that manages portfolios for people feeling guilty for watching the stock market coverage on television each day. Imagine he or she feeling guilty for “watching tv” instead of “working.”
It’s unthinkable because we connect the actions to the job they are expected to perform.
Reading for pastors and ministry leaders is no different.
Reading is a part of how we do our job, and grow to do it better.
1 Actionable Tip
Build a reading block into your daily schedule.
Become a Stronger Leader
Whenever you want to take a next step of growing in your leadership, there are lots of ways you can do that.
1. Cohorts. We have cohorts for Lead Pastors and Student Ministry Leaders. Cohorts begin in February, sign-up ASAP.
2. Individual Coaching. For those who want to get a more tailored coaching experience, this option helps you grow in church leadership skills and solving your church-specific challenges. Sign-up soon, limited spots.
3. Church Consulting. If your church needs revitalization and desires assistance in developing a vision and strategy for going forward, this option can be great for you. We not only help diagnosis issues but work with you to create a plan and coach you on execution.