Issue #4: Increase Your Giving Immediately with this One Practice
Churches cannot accomplish our mission and goals without financial giving.
As a pastor, you can’t ignore or neglect this crucial issue.
Today’s newsletter gives you practice to help you increase giving.
It is really important that your church tracks first-time gifts. It may be a check or an online gift, but you need to know when someone has given to your church for the first time.
Then what?
As the pastor, I encourage you to write a personal thank-you card. I hand-write a note to first-time givers.
Point of Wisdom
A personal touch to first-time givers increases the likelihood of them giving again.
When more first-time givers become second-time givers, the overall giving of the church increases.
Template for First-Time Note
“Dear, (Person’s Name).
Thank you so much for your recent financial contribution to (name of church). From a human perspective, we could never accomplish the ministry objectives we have without people like you who generously give. I assure you that we work hard to steward every penny in a way that glorifies God and makes disciples of Jesus. So thank you. And may God bless you.
- Pastor (Your Name).”
Why is this practice so effective?
Because most people who give money to a church never hear anything back from the church. It is as if they gave it anonymously.
When you make a personal touch to someone who gives for the first time, it demonstrates that their giving matters to the church. They’re not just one of many givers. Their gift counts.
People want to make a difference. Writing this note helps to show that they are.
This is why they become second-time givers.
Then What?
Track if those you wrote notes to become second-time givers.
If they do, send them an email and/or a form letter thanking them for giving again to the church. Include how they can setup their giving to be automated.
They don’t have to opt-in to this practice, but many will.
Simply communicating a clear next step helps people to act.
Do You Want to Learn More?
- Participate in one of our next pastor cohorts. New cohort starting February 2023.
- Work with me through 1-on-1 coaching. Tailored coaching to meet your needs and challenges.
- Have our team consult with your church on: getting unstuck, revitalization efforts, and/or implementing a new vision and strategy. This is a full-scale onsite review, reports, and solutions to develop a plan for execution.
- Implement an innovative fundraising strategy at your church that doesn’t require a capital campaign, begging large donors for money, or any gimmicks. Disclaimer: It’s not cheap, but it pays a massive return that dwarfs the investment. Ideal for churches with >375 people in attendance. Only serious candidates should inquire.
If interested in any of the above options, email me at: erik@tjclive.com