The Praise of His Glory
Ephesians 1:11-12 (ESV) -- In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory.
Have you ever been asked to help somebody do something? It could be someone asking you to help them with something at their house. Someone at work may have asked for help on a project, or a classmate at school needed assistance with a project.
One of the questions often asked in scenarios like this is: What do you want me to do? There isn’t a worse feeling than showing up to help someone but not knowing what you are supposed to do. You stand there helpless. It is one thing to not know how to do something someone needs help with, but it is another thing to show up to help and not have clarity on what you are expected to do. It paralyzes you with inaction.
Our passage today gives Christians clarity on what we are expected to do. Paul makes it clear what the blood-bought children of God exist to do in the world. Paul says that in Christ we have obtained an inheritance. That inheritance is salvation from sin and eternal life in Heaven. We become heirs of God’s promises. This inheritance of ours was predestined by the God who works His purposes according to the counsel of His will. Why does He choose to bestow this on us? So that those of us who have found our hope and life in Christ might live, breathe, and exist for the praise of His glory.
Did you catch it? Our purpose has been stated.
Those in Christ live for the praise
of the glory of Christ.
Our task is worship of the King.
Our aim is to praise the greatness of
Jesus with our mouths and lives, forever.
How do we do that today? We do it in our trusting Him for our salvation. We do it by seeking His presence daily and asking for His help, His peace, and His strength to guide us. Our task each day is to recognize all we’ve been given through Jesus, and to praise the glory of it. Let’s do that today.
Reflection & Journal:
- What are some aspects of the glory of Christ? What makes Him so glorious?
- How do we go about praising Jesus’ glory? What are some examples?
- How can you tie this purpose in your life to your family, work, church, and hobbies?
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