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Rejoicing Our Names Are Written

Luke 10:20 (ESV) — “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

I’ll never forget when I was selected to go to Airborne School while in Basic Training. Our group of 140 soldiers waited to hear 8 names called. The people selected would go to Airborne School after graduation and then to Fort Bragg together to join the highly decorated 82nd Airborne Division. I sat anxious as names started to get called, working through all the pros and cons of why I may or may not be called. But then I heard my name, “Private Reed!” I didn’t let my outside show it, but on the inside, I was celebrating. I was thrilled. 

Our passage today points us to another roll call that should include our names and thrill us. It is the roll call of the redeemed that will be in Heaven. After returning from a tour of ministry, the disciples are telling Jesus all about their experiences. They are so excited that even the demons listen and obey them. The authority Jesus has given them is real, and they are elated to share all that happened. But then Jesus says to them, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

There is something greater to rejoice in than having demons listen to and submit to you. There is something greater than witnessing incredible things happen in and through ministry opportunities. We are children of God. Our sins have been forgiven. Our names are etched forever in the book of life. When the roll call of Heaven takes place, those in Christ will have their names read. That alone should be the greatest joy of our lives. There are many noble things to rejoice in, but knowing our names are written in Heaven is chief among them. 

Take a moment to reflect on that today. What a gift! What grace God has displayed to us, that we should be called children of God. All of this is possible because of what Christ accomplished for us. Praise him today.

Reflection & Journal:
- Why is it greater to know our names are written in Heaven than any other thing? 
- What are some ways you can celebrate or rejoice in this truth today? 
- When did you come to faith in Christ? Whom are you thankful to God for in your journey to faith?

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