Perfect Peace
Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) – You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
There are very few things in this life ever called perfect. Why? The world is broken because of sin and rebellion. Imperfections mark everything. Every sporting event is marked by imperfection. No business operates perfectly. On this side of Heaven, we rarely experience perfection.
But our passage today offers us a rare taste of perfection. We read in Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
The “you” in this text is the LORD. He keeps in perfect peace those whose minds stay on Him. What does that mean, to keep our mind on Him? It means that we not only think about Him, but that His Word and commands remain on our minds. The reminder of the reality and presence of God brings peace. Notice the promise in this passage is "perfect peace.”
Perfect peace communicates a total rest and contentment. Complete satisfaction of the heart. The opposite of perfect peace is restlessness. It’s stress, anxiousness, and worry. “Perfect” highlights the complete ability for God to give us this peace. Not a little peace. Not some contentment. Perfect. What He chooses to supply He supplies in full.
Why does the individual whose mind is stayed on God receive perfect peace? The text answers it. Because he trusts in Him. Trust in the LORD comes because our mind stays on the reality of who God is. He is the Sovereign Lord and Wise King. He is faithful and loving. How could we not trust Him and find our peace in His plans and ways?
Reflection on the character of God and His complete unchangeableness brings peace to the heart regardless of circumstances. Peace is not a byproduct of circumstances, but of a trustworthy God. Set your mind on Him today.
Reflection & Journal:
- Why is perfection almost always impossible in this life?
- What is the remedy, according to this passage, to restlessness and anxiety?
- How does this passage speak to things you’re facing today and what you should do?
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