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Muzzling Our Mouths

Psalm 39:1 (ESV) -- I said, “I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, so long as the wicked are in my presence.”

“Watch your mouth!” Has anyone ever said that to you? Parents say it regularly to children who get too confident or cocky in their willingness to talk back to them. I remember many times that I got in trouble at school or home for things I said. My mouth got me in hot water because I didn’t know when to zip it. I was quick-witted and tried to be funny when it wasn’t time for that.

Our passage today reminds us that our mouths can get us in trouble. The psalmist says, “I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, so long as the wicked are in my presence.” 

Notice the psalmist says he will guard his ways so that he doesn’t sin with his mouth. The mouth and ways we use it must be guarded. I remember when I was in the Army, I had a potty mouth. When I came home to visit, especially to see my grandmother, I worked hard to guard my mouth. I became super conscious of my words. This is to be a constant thing for us, not for curse words, but for any words that may cause us to sin. The psalmist says he will guard his mouth with a muzzle. He covers it. 

Our mouths can do all sorts of damage. We can tear people down by making fun of them. Our mouths gossip about people and situations. With our mouths we make promises we fail to keep. We lie. We curse. These mouths get us into trouble and cause us to sin against God. The tongue is a dangerous weapon when untamed. Faithfulness from a Christian requires guarding it. We should watch our words. We should use them wisely to build up, encourage, and bless. May God help us muzzle our mouths from sinning, and use them honorably.

Reflection & Journal:
- Why do our words get us into trouble so frequently? 
- How can we guard our mouths?
- What are some ways we can use our mouths to bless instead of curse or sin?

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