He Who Promised
Hebrews 10:23 (ESV) — Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
Contracts are only useful and good if the parties not only agree to keep them but can be trusted to keep them. If someone develops a pattern or history of breaking contracts, people will hesitate or avoid making future contracts with them. Someone who doesn’t pay their mortgage, and loses it, will struggle to secure a future home loan. A company that doesn’t uphold their warranty promise will develop a reputation that hurts their business. Keeping our word is important for people in trusting our character.
Our passage today reminds us that God is faithful to His promises. The Hebrews writer exhorts his readers and listeners to hold fast to the confession of their hope without wavering. What is that confession of their hope? It is likely the gospel message that God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to pay the payment for sin, and all who call upon Him are forgiven of sins and given an eternal inheritance. That confession must be held on to in a world of turbulence and unbelief.
But what is the basis for us to hold tight to this confession without wavering? It is God who made the promise.
God is faithful. That means He does
what He says He’ll do. He doesn’t falter in
fulfilling everything He
promises His people.
This means all of the promises of God
can be counted on and
trusted by His people.
Our sins are truly forgiven through faith in Christ.
We are now children of God with access to God as Father.
Jesus is with us always.
Our eternity will be in Heaven.
Jesus is coming again to make all things new.
How can we have confidence in these promises? By trusting the God who always keeps His Word.
Reflection & Journal:
- What are some of the greatest promises of God you cling to?
- How do we strengthen our confidence in God’s promises when circumstances look bleak?
- What does it reveal about God’s character and nature that He always keeps His promises?
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