feb7 fewdays fullortrouble

Few of Days, Full of Trouble

Job 14:1 (ESV) -- Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble.

Life is filled with troubles. Think about the days of a person’s life. We endure loss of loved ones. People lose their jobs. We endure sickness, injuries, anxiety, and depression. Relationships fracture. Addictions destroy lives. Our bodies breakdown. These are the types of things that accompany our lives. Our days are brief when measured against the history of mankind. Humans have walked the earth for thousands and thousands of years, and most of us will never live one hundred. 

Our passage today reminds us of this truth. We read in Job, “Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble.” What does this mean? It means that every person only has a handful of days assigned to them. Your life is a set amount of time and then it’s over. And those days are often marked by troubles. They are not all easy days. Have you experienced this in your life?

Where do you find hope and help in these days of trouble? How do we live with peace despite the anxious moments we feel regularly in this life? Apart from Christ, I don’t know how anyone copes with life’s trials. Minus a confidence in the God who rules over all things, and helps His children, I don’t know if I could endure this life. 

I’ve walked with a sick son for years who eventually passed from his illnesses. The pain and grief are deep. They’ll never fully heal or go away in this life, but I’m not left to despair. God is with us. He has sustained and helped us. Jesus keeps providing sustaining grace to me and my family, and He always will. 

Do you have this help? In a life with limited days marked by trouble, we need Christ to live with hope. Your neighbors need Christ. Your co-workers need Him.

Live today with your eyes on the Savior. Let your heart rest in Him. And help those around you to find their hope in Him as well.

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Reflection & Journal:
- Why is it helpful that the Bible teaches us these important truths about life?
- What are some examples of days “full of trouble” that people experience?
- How can we find hope in the midst of our days?

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