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The Fountain of Knowledge and Understanding

Proverbs 2:6 (ESV) — For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;


Do you ever hear stories about things people have done or said and shook your head in disbelief? Have you ever caught yourself saying, “What were they thinking?” We all do this. We hear countless stories about people doing things that get them hurt, broke, or in trouble. It seems so obvious to us when we see these situations that a bad decision was made. But the people involved didn’t quite see it the way we do. 

We don’t have to look at other people to find examples of a lack of wisdom. Our own lives demonstrate failures to connect the dots. We fail to connect cause and effect, leaving others to wonder about us, “What were they thinking?!” Wisdom is a common word in our society, but an uncommon reality. 


Our passage today teaches us that God is the giver of wisdom because He is the repository of wisdom. He alone contains infinite and perfect wisdom. God always chooses the best. He knows what is best and does what is best in every scenario. His wisdom is endless. Our wisdom is sketchy at best. The proverb tells us, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” It is the Lord who gives wisdom. If we ask for and seek wisdom, it is the Lord who gives it. But this wisdom comes from His mouth. What does that mean? It means wisdom comes from what God says. His Word contains wisdom. 


This is why Scripture should be the lifeblood of a Christian’s life. The Scriptures should inform our views of God, man, life, and sin. We should cling to Scripture for knowing God’s commands and knowing God’s promises. That’s where wisdom is found. I don’t know many people who I’d consider wise who are neglectful of God’s Word. That is an interesting correlation. The wisest people I know are the ones most knowledgeable and obedient to God’s Word. Seek wisdom today but do so by clinging to everything that comes from His mouth.

Reflection & Journal:

- What is wisdom? How is it different than knowledge?

- Where does the proverb point to for us to seek wisdom? How do we do that?

- Why is wisdom worth pursuing with our lives? What are the tangible benefits?

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