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It Will Not Depart

Isaiah 54:10 (ESV) — For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.


Have you ever had your heart broken before? It is a common theme in songs, movies, and novels because it is a common theme in life. Heartbreak comes as a result of loving someone who takes their love away. Someone ends the relationship. An affair occurs and severs the relationship. A loved one dies. 


There are many scenarios that can leave us heartbroken in this life. To love someone is always to risk not receiving that love back, or to have a love once given taken away. 


In our text today we are promised by God that His love will never be taken from us. He speaks through the prophet Isaiah, “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you.” Something as immoveable as mountains can depart. Earthquakes can shake mountains. Man can now go in and blast mountains to cut into them for resources. A mountain is not easy to move, but it is moveable. But God’s love does not move. He says it does not depart from us. 


God’s love for us is a steady stream that flows into our lives. Nothing can dam it up or redirect its stream. His love does not depart from us. This is wonderful news for fragile creatures like us. People can, and do, disappoint us. They let us down. The love two individuals can share fluctuates and changes based on all kinds of conditions. But not God’s love. It is unconditioned and promised to His people. We can stand confident today in God’s love for us through Christ. Jesus didn’t die for our sins so that the Father would love us. Jesus came and died for our sins because the Father loves us. It is the love of God that brought forth the Son to save us (John 3:16). Pursue the One who loves you, and whose love does not depart.

Reflection & Journal:

- Why is it so hard for people to believe that God loves them?

- How does the promise that God’s love does not depart encourage us?

- What are some ways the love of God should make an impact on our daily lives?

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