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Hope In Your Words

Psalm 119:147 (ESV) – I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words.

Most people are not “morning people.” That means most don’t like to wake up early, and even if they did, they’re not excited about it. There is nothing magical about early mornings compared to late nights when it comes to your walk with God and pursuit of Him. However, the Scriptures do point to examples of rising early to meet with the LORD. 

Our passage today gives us an example of this habit. The psalmist writes, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words.” The word “rise” is referring to waking up for the day. The psalmist wakes up before the sun rises. He cries out for help. He prays. This kind of prayer is heartfelt and sincere. The seeking of God’s face to petition Him for our needs and plead on behalf of others. The “cry” showcases a desperation to get God’s ear.

The psalmist rises and cries out to God, hoping in His words. The words of God are found in Scripture. Putting hope in God’s Word signifies trusting what He says. It is clinging to His promises and obeying His commands. The Word provides us understanding of God’s character and outlines His will. To hope in God’s words is to believe what He says and live by it. Each of us has the challenge of doing this each day.

But I want to return to the “rise before dawn” statement. Do you have to rise before dawn to be spiritual? No, you don’t. But there is something helpful about beginning our day in the posture described by the psalmist. Before we launch out on a new day, filled with tasks, and busy with work, kids, school, and stress, we need to “cry out for help.” We can read the Word and pray in the evenings too, but life produces too much trouble, and our flesh is too weak to delay seeking Him. If this is currently not your habit, I challenge you to a one-week experiment. Begin each day in the Word and prayer. See if you find it makes a difference in your day, and the hope you find in your heart.

Reflection & Journal: 
- What is your biggest struggle with getting up early to spend time with God?
- Why might early mornings be more helpful than later evenings to spend time with the LORD?
- How does this passage challenge you about when you spend time with God?

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