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God Will Be With You

Genesis 48:21 (ESV) — Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am about to die, but God will be with you and will bring you again to the land of your fathers.”

There are many promises throughout Scripture that Christians hold on to. We have the promise that Jesus took our sins onto his body on the cross, and diverted the wrath of God off of His people. We have the promise of eternal life in Heaven and a grand reunion with all those in Christ who passed before us. Trust in Jesus’ finished work secures this for us. We hold to the promise of God’s Word never returning void. His Word transforms and changes us. We have the promise of mercy and help in our time of need. 

So many wonderful promises are given to us as Christians. Much of our lives is directing our thoughts and hearts to those promises. We need to discipline ourselves to remember them. Our passage today is one such promise we need to remember. It is one of the greatest promises for Christians: the presence of God. 

Jacob (renamed Israel by God) tells his son, Joseph, “Behold, I am about to die, but God will be with you and will bring you again to the land of your fathers.” This promise isn’t just true for Joseph during this time, but it is a general principle. God is with His people. We are never alone. We do not need to fear walking through life by ourselves. God is with us. This brings great comfort to us because in life we face many things. We have family struggles, relationship problems, issues at work, financial stress, desires and aspirations for our children, career ambitions, health issues, and many other things. Life is filled with many challenges. Additionally, we face the daily struggle with temptations, sin, and the urge to live life depending on ourselves. We need help. And God gives it to us. He is the God who is with us. 

Give thanks today to the God who is with you. It is through faith in Jesus that we have been reconciled to God, and possess unhindered access to Him at all times. Bring whatever you are facing to Him today. There is nothing too big for Him, and there is nothing beneath Him. And remember in all that you do, and face today, you do not face it alone. He is with you.

Reflection & Journal:
- Why is the reminder that God is with you so comforting to our hearts?
- How can we remind ourselves each day that God is with us?
- What are some reasons why Jacob (Israel) would remind Joseph of God’s presence with Him?