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God Heard

Exodus 2:23-24 (ESV) — During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.

Hardship and afflictions take a toll on people. They exhaust us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The longer we endure suffering the more prone to questioning God we become. Some people do not face many trials or struggles in their lifetime. This is a blessing from God. Give thanks if that is you. Others endure hardships and sorrows most of their life. This too is from the hand of God, but it is harder to give thanks for.


Our passage today shows us the cries of the Israelites under Egyptian oppression. During the days after Pharaoh died, and the leaders of Egypt forgot about Joseph and the Hebrew people, the Egyptians began oppressing the people of God. The Israelites groaned under their slavery. They cried to God for help. This cry for help was for intervention and relief. They begged God for favor and mercy. 

The passage says that God heard their cries. He heard their groaning. His response to their prayers and groans was to remember His covenant with them. He remembered His promises to them, made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You see, our prayers are acceptable to God because we are the covenant people of God through Jesus. We are people of the promise. This means He hears our prayers and groans. And He remembers His promises to us. He has our lives in His hands. He has a future for His people. He will sustain and provide for us, even in the storms.


Do not despair in the day of trouble. God is near. He hears us. His promises stand the test of time. Even when God doesn’t act in the timing or manner you’d prefer, cling to His promises. He always hears.  


Reflection & Journal: 

- Why are trials and tribulations so exhausting for us?

- What are some reasons why God plans or permits suffering in the Christian’s life?

- What confidence does our passage today provide regarding God hearing our prayers?