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Enthroned Forever

Psalm 102:12 — But you, O LORD, are enthroned forever; you are remembered throughout all generations.


I love history. I enjoy watching documentaries and reading biographies about people, events, and places of significance in the world. One of the recent areas of study for me is the British monarch. The Netflix show The Crown sparked this interest. It studies the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. She became Queen of England as a young woman in her twenties due to her father’s unexpected death from sickness. His kingdom ended, and Queen Elizabeth II’s reign began. But hers too will one day come to a close. The next in line is Prince Charles, followed by Prince William. Unless the Lord Jesus comes first, each of them will take their turn in reigning after the one before them dies. Then they too will die and the next one will take their place. 


These kings and queens do not reign forever. They’re enthroned for a period of time, and then that time comes to an end. But not with God. His reign is forever. Jesus’ enthronement is eternal. 


Our passage today captures the biblical teaching of the eternal enthronement of God as King of the universe. The psalmist writes, “But you, O LORD, are enthroned forever, you are remembered throughout all generations.” To be enthroned means to be in the position of king or ruler. The ascension to the throne in the position of supreme power and authority is the heart of enthronement. The LORD is enthroned, but not for a period of time. His reign is not for a season. He is enthroned forever. Eternity is the length of His reign. 


Jesus’ death and resurrection is the epicenter of the Christian message. Our sins are atoned for and the tomb is empty, demonstrating the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice. But the enthronement of Christ is often neglected. Jesus ascended to Heaven and is there as the world’s rightful ruler and leader. All things are under His power and authority. The universe is His. Look to Him today. Cry out to Him with all your needs. He is in control, and He’s not going anywhere.

Reflection & Journal:

- What does the temporary enthronement of kings and queens remind us about human frailty?

- What does it mean to say that the LORD is enthroned forever?

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