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Don’t You Know?

1 Corinthians 3:16 (ESV) -- Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

Most people do not love the way their bodies look. In fact, marketers and companies know that, so we are advertised endless products that promise to make our bodies look better. We can be more lean, fit, and attractive. This marketing pitch works, and millions of products are sold to us related to our bodies, because we usually don’t like the way our bodies look or feel. 

The one thing this emphasis on the body gets right, is the special nature of our bodies as designed by God. But an even greater reality for the Christian is that our bodies are the home and dwelling place of God. Our passage today reminds us of this truth. Paul writes, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

Paul is telling the church in Corinth that their physical bodies are special. They are the temple of God. This is significant because throughout Israel’s history, the tabernacle, and then Temple, were the special dwelling places of God with His people. God manifested His presence in a special way in those places to commune with His people. But after the finished work of Jesus at the cross and His resurrection, the dwelling place of God is now with man. Through the Holy Spirit, Christ dwells with His people inside of them. 

This is a glorious reality. We do not have to go to a building to find God or meet with God. God dwells in us. Each believer is given the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit’s dwelling in us, we are now temples of the Living God. He is with us always. This should encourage us in many ways. We have a constant Helper near to us. The Lord can comfort, convict, and communicate with us. The nearness of the Lord is a blessing to Christians. But we are also reminded that because we are the dwelling place of God, we should live holy and obedient lives to Him. We want to purify our hearts and give our bodies in service to His kingdom.

Reflection & Journal: 
- Why is it significant that God dwells in us now instead of a man-made building?
- How should this truth affect our lives each day? 
- What are some ways we can apply this truth and live differently as a result of it?

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