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A Day of Reckoning

Isaiah 2:12 (ESV) -- For the LORD of hosts has a day against all that is proud and lofty, against all that is lifted up—and it shall be brought low;

Do you ever feel like the chaos in the world goes unpunished? We see and hear stories of tragedy every day. Injustices occur all over the world. Evil men and women do horrific things that fly in the face of God’s commands. Will people get away with this? Is there any justice that we should expect? 

Our passage today tells us there is justice coming. Isaiah 2:12 records, “For the LORD of hosts has a day against all that is proud and lofty, against all that is lifted up—and it shall be brought low.” There is a day against all that is proud and lofty. This is referring to the judgment of God against all unrighteousness. These are people and actions that are lifted up against God’s rule and reign. 

What is God going to do? He is going to bring it low. He is toppling all authorities and principalities raised against him. When is this going to happen? The answer to this question is two-fold: now and in the future. In some measure, God is always toppling those who are proud and haughty. He scattered the people at Babel who believed they could exalt themselves and their greatness above God (Genesis 11). He causes kingdoms to rise and fall (Job 12:23). 

The flip side is God is going to ultimately topple all kingdoms and rulers raised against His reign. There is a day of reckoning that awaits the world. As you see chaos and turmoil unfolding in the world, remember that the Lord is over everything. The proud and lofty will come tumbling down in God’s timing. He is the One True God who rules over the universe. His kingdom is without end. 

Reflection & Journal:
- What are some examples of things or people raised against God?
- What effect does God’s Word have on us when we hear about the day of reckoning coming? 
- How can we endure through struggles in light of this passage?

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